Heather Ridge Golf Course

 (GCat) Golf Club at Heather Ridge, Inc.

This is a private non-profit corporation/contractor of HRMD. The purpose is to prudently operate the asset. GCat has a 3 year term, however the district may cancel this contract without penalty at any time. The reason for retaining GCatHR for operations, rather than have HRMD operate the asset, is to minimize administration and costs to HRMD. As the operating contractor, GCat is the employer.

HRMD has no employees and as such does not have the government reporting and many requirements imposed on metropolitan districts/governments are reduced significantly. The only revenue received by GCat is from HRMD; and that is only for funding the GCat payroll. GCatHR, Inc. organization is lead by a GM (General Manager). The GM is an employee selected by GCat. Grounds operations, clubhouse (including food and beverage F&B) operations, and Golf operations all report to the GM. It is the responsibility of the GM to assure all operations maintain a fiscal revenue/expense balance. 5 Directors of GCat, Inc. are appointed by the remaining directors. 3 directors are residents of the HRMD and 2 directors are representatives of the GCat annual golfers, one from the GCat Women’s Golf Club and one from the Heather Ridge Men’s Golf Club. By Colorado Law. No more than 20% (1 director) of a contractor board may also be a director of the HRMD. The president of the HRMD may not be a director of any board that is a contractor to the HRMD.

Directors - Terms - Appointments - Elections

Affiliation Name Phone Email
GCat Men's Club Loren Janulewicz, President 303 594 2193 janul@msn.com
GCat Men's Club Vic Evans 720 313 1717 vevans49@gmail.com
Chimney Hill Marcy Greene-Women's Club 303-909-1475 marcyturtl@aol.com
Heather Ridge South John Hartnett 303 751 9822 jhartn8123@aol.com
GCat Women's Club Teresa Anderson 303 755 5970 ltanderson2438@comcast.net