United Associations of Heather Ridge

Notice: UAHR officially ceased operations and withdrew as a Colorado Corporation shortly after the successful formation and creation of the Heather Ridge Metropolitan District.
Special Message:

UAHR, Inc. - (United Associations of Heather Ridge, Inc.) This is a non-profit corporation. The group represents the HRMD tax payers and owners. Residents of the district are represented by the directors of the UAHR. This group is independent and has no contractual or any official ties to the HRMD or GCatHR. The purpose for this group is to be the HOA liaison interface with the HRMD. Suggestions, recommendations, opinions, etc. from individual taxpayers are important to the HRMD directors. However, items presented to the HRMD directors by the UAHR group, will carry much influence. Conversely, the HRMD may ask the UAHR for input on issues, especially financial considerations. HRMD may ask the UAHR to establish task groups for assistance on issues. - The regular meeting of the UAHR is at 6:00pm the 1st Tuesday each month at the GCatHR clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct. These meetings are open to the public. - All Heather Ridge area HOAs and neighbors are welcome and invited to participate in all meetings. - 10 voting Directors - 1 from each of the 10 HOAs within the HRMD. Appointed by each HOA. No UAHR Director may also be a HRMD director. No UAHR Director may also be a director of any contractor of the HRMD. Directors agree to the mission of the HRMD. Should a vote be a tie, the number of homes for each HOA vote will be counted for the decision. i.e. Yes = 610 vs. NO = 517

10 HOAs  (Home Owner Associations)

UAHR, INC. Website Director Name Phone Email Number of Homes
Burgundy Burghoa.com Pam Bjerke VP 303 695 9447 pamindenver@gmail.com 120
Chimney Hill N/A * 116
Cobblestone N/A Margo Plemone N/A margo_835@aol.com 74
Cobblestone Crossing N/A * N/A * 150
Country Club Ridge N/A * N/A * 64
Double Tree N/A Pete Traynor 303 877 9538 ptotcolo@aol.com 24
Fairway 16 homesteadmgmt.com/fairway16 Harold Eagen role="cell"303 748 1571 haroldeagen@gmail.com 116
Heather Ridge South heatherridgesouth.com Josie Spencer Pres 303 671 5634 amipep@aol.com 176
Sausalito sausalitohoa.com.com Pat Horton Tres 303 695 6181 khes@comcast.net 159
Strawberry II strawberryhoa.com Terry Bellomo 303 369 3858 terrybellok@hotmail.com 128
Strawberry I strawberryhoa.com Jan Lucas 303 719 9545 jan_lucas@hotmail.com N/A
* No Directory / Awaiting formal Appointment 04/04/2012