Heather Ridge Community Affairs
HRCA (Heather Ridge Community Affairs) This organization is
the formal communication link with the owners/taxpayers of the HRMD.
HRCA is responsible for keeping the community informed and is supported &
funded by the HRMD. Funding is provided from the HRMD General Fund.
HRCA is responsible for presenting an annual budget to the HRMD directors
for approval. The HRCA responsibilities are to produce:
Periodical print media - Heather Ridge Metro Matters. This magazine
is designed to keep all taxpayer/owners/annual golfers and others appraised
of current activities involving capital improvements, operations, community
social gatherings and general interest items.
Internet Website maintenance - HeatherRidgeColorado.org / HRMDco.org
This Heather Ridge medium was initially launched in July, 2005 to keep
the community informed of events leading to the formation of the HRMD
in November, 2006 and the purchase of the open space in December, 2009.
The website continues to be updated by all Heather Ridge Colorado organizations.
It also provides a chronological history of significant events.
Heather Ridge informational gatherings/meetings. Periodically the directors
of the HRMD determine the need for community meeting(s) penned as Heather
Ridge Big Tent meetings. These meetings are called to inform residents
of issues of interest to the entire community. Normally three identical
meetings are held at varying times within a 10 day period with the intent
of making the gathering a convenient time for all residents.
Noteworthy Links:
Directors - Terms - Appointments - Elections
Affiliation | Name | Title | |
Fairway 16 | Bette Secord | President | bettesecord@gmail.com |
Chminey Hill | Mary Lou Braun | Vice Pres | news4lana@yahoo.com |
Heather Ridge South | Ginny Lewis | Treasurer | marybraun8@aol.com |
Sausalito | Pat Horton | Secretary | khes@comcast.net |
Burgundy | Edie Reidel | Director | ejreidel@gmail.com |
Cobblestone | May Lou Braun | Director | melrose747@gmail.com |
Burgundy | Susan Clark | Director | clark26235@gmail.com |
Heather Ridge South | Van Lewis | HRMD Advisor | Van.Lewis@HRMDco.org |