Heather Ridge Metro District

Regular Meeting Schedule: HRMD 4:00 pm, 3rd Thursday each month at Heather Ridge Clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct. Link to view next scheduled meeting and past minutes. Link to View Regular Meeting Notice - Also posted in 3 Locations in District

Heather Ridge Metropolitan District is the parent entity (government) - Metro District Briefing Link - that owns the open space/golf course. The mission of the HRMD is to preserve the open space, property values, and safeguard the way of life;best maintained as a golf course known as the Golf Club at Heather Ridge. Seven Directors of the HRMD, each with 4 year terms, are elected every 2 years with staggering terms to assure continuity among the board of directors. Director by General Election: Any Colorado registered voter residing in the district within 30 days of the election or any Colorado registered voter who pays district property taxes may run for election at a general election.  Director by Appointment: Upon a vacancy in the 7 director board, replacements are appointed by the remaining directors. In addition to the criteria above, additional criteria (approved at 10/21/2010 regular meeting) for appointing directors are: to have representation from both north and south of Iliff Avenue; no more than 2 director from anyone of the district HOAs (approved at 10/15/2020 regular meeting); the candidate must reside within the district, and candidates must be listed as the district property owner/taxpayer on the search of Arapahoe County Assessors website.

Directors are charged with maintaining the mission of the District by responsibly overseeing the fiscal and operating functions. All revenues from all sources, other than the food and beverage contractor, are deposited into the HRMD banks. These revenues include property tax receipts from Arapahoe County and from the GCatHR, Inc. operations. All invoices are paid directly from the HRMD to operations suppliers, GCatHR for payroll expense reimbursement and to pay off HRMD debt. The regular meeting of the HRMD is the 3rd Thursday of each month at the GCatHR clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct.  The meeting is always held in April and October for budget consideration.  Notice of this meeting is published and displayed on the HRMD www.hrcolo.org  website and at least 3 public locations within the district.

Director nominee for election procedures: Any eligible elector of the district may attain a director self nomination application from the attorney firm of the HRMD. The form must be completed and submitted to the HRMD attorney firm no later than the last day of February of the election year.

Current Directors - Terms - Appointments - Elections

Term Thru Director Title HOA Email
May 2025 James Cronin Secretary Chimney Hill info@hrcolo.org
May 2027 Jane Klein Assistant Secretary Cobblestone Crossing info@hrcolo.org
May 2025 Aletha Zens Assistant Secretary Double Tree info@hrcolo.org
May 2027 Kay Griffiths Assistant Secretary Cobblestone info@hrcolo.org
May 2027 Charlie Richardson Treasurer Sausalito info@hrcolo.org
May 2025 Van Lewis Vice President Heather Ridge So info@hrcolo.org
May 2025 Errol Rowland President Burgundy info@hrcolo.org