Organization Chart

HMRDCO Organization Chart

HRMD (Heather Ridge Metropolitan District No.1) the parent entity (government),
GCatHR (Heather Ridge Golf Club, Inc.) contractor that operates the asset for the HRMD
UAHR (United Associations of Heather Ridge, Inc.) represents owners of 1,127 homes; the taxpayer advocacy “Watch Dog” group of the HRMD
HRCA (Heather Ridge Community Affairs) voice of the Heather Ridge Colorado community

The 1,127 Heather Ridge homeowners residing in 10 different Home Owner Associations, (HOAs), in Aurora, Colorado, formed the UAHR, a non-profit corporation in the summer of 2005. This was in order to preserve the open space, property values, and maintain their way of life. The motivation for this action was to prevent the sale of the Heather Ridge golf course 90 acres of open space, transforming it into high density multi-family housing with as many as 3,000 additional multi-story apartments.

Organized development pressures continued. In the November 2006, general election, these citizens voted 86% in favor to form the HRMD. On December 1, 2009, the HRMD purchased this open space, formerly the Heather Ridge Country Club and re-open it as a public golf course.

Four organizations are in place to sustain the HRMD mission:

• HRMD (Heather Ridge Metropolitan District) This is a government that owns the open space/golf course. The mission of the HRMD is to preserve the open space, property values, and safeguard the way of life; best maintained as a golf course known as the Heather Ridge Golf Club (GCat).

- Seven Directors of the HRMD, each with 4 year terms, are elected every 2 years with staggering terms to assure continuity among the board of directors.

Director by General Election: Any Colorado registered voter residing in the district within 30 days of the election or any Colorado registered voter who pays district property taxes may run for election at a general election.

Director by Appointment: Upon a vacancy in the 7 director board, replacements are appointed by the remaining directors. In addition to the criteria above, additional criteria for appointing directors are: to have representation from both north and south of Iliff Avenue; no more than 2 directors from any one of the district HOAs (approved at 10/15/2020 regular meeeting); the candidate must reside within the district, and candidates must be listed as the district property owner/taxpayer on the search of Arapahoe County Assessors website.  (RE: HRMD Meeting 2010-10-21)

- Directors are charged with overseeing the fiscal and operating functions of the district. All revenues from all sources, other than the food and beverage contractor, are deposited into the HRMD banks. These revenues include property tax receipts from Arapahoe County and from the GCatHR, Inc. operations. All invoices are paid directly from the HRMD to operations suppliers, GCatHR for payroll expense reimbursement and to pay off HRMD debt.

- The regular meeting of the HRMD is the 3rd Thursday of each month at the GCatHR clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct. Notice of this meeting is published and displayed on the website and at least 3 public locations within the district.

• GCatHR, Inc. (Heather Ridge Golf Club) This is a private non-profit corporation/contractor of HRMD. The purpose is to prudently operate the asset. GCatHR has a 3 year term, however the district may cancel this contract without penalty at any time. The reason for retaining GCatHR for operations, rather than have HRMD operate the asset, is to minimize administration and costs to HRMD. As the operating contractor, GCatHR is the employer. HRMD has no employees and as such does not have the government reporting and many requirements imposed on metropolitan districts/governments are reduced significantly. The only revenue received by GCatHR is from HRMD; and that is only for funding the GCatHR payroll. GCatHR, Inc. organization is lead by a GM (General Manager). The GM is an employee selected by GCatHR. Grounds operations, clubhouse (including food and beverage F&B) operations, and Golf operations all report to the GM. It is the responsibility of the GM to assure all operations maintain a fiscal revenue/expense balance.

- 5 Directors of GCatHR, Inc. are appointed by the remaining directors. 3 directors are residents of the HRMD and 2 directors are representatives of the GCatHR annual golfers, one from the GCatHR Women’s Golf Club and one from the GCatHR Men’s Golf Club. By Colorado Law- No more than 20% (1 director) of a contractor board may also be a director of the HRMD.
- The regular meeting of GCatHR is the Monday prior to the HRMD regular meeting (3rd Thursday each month)

• UAHR, Inc. - (United Associations of Heather Ridge, Inc.) This is a non-profit corporation. The group represents the HRMD tax payers and owners. Residents of the district are represented by the directors of the UAHR. This group is independent and has no contractual or any official ties to the HRMD or GCatHR. The purpose for this group is to be the HOA liaison interface with the HRMD (Taxpayer “Watch Dog”). Suggestions, recommendations, opinions, etc. from individual taxpayers are important to the HRMD directors. However, items presented to the HRMD directors by the UAHR group, will carry much influence. Conversely, the HRMD may ask the UAHR for input on issues, especially financial considerations. HRMD may ask the UAHR to establish task groups for assistance on issues.

- 10 voting Directors - 1 from each of the 10 HOAs within the HRMD. Appointed by each HOA. No UAHR Director may also be a HRMD director. No UAHR Director may also be a director of any contractor of the HRMD. Directors agree to the mission of the HRMD. Should a vote be a tie, the number of homes for each HOA vote will be counted for the decision. i.e. Yes = 610 vs. NO = 517

- The regular meeting of the UAHR is at 6:00pm the 1st Tuesday each month at the GCatHR clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct. These meetings are open to the public. All Heather Ridge area HOAs and neighbors are welcome and invited to participate in all meetings.

HRCA (Heather Ridge Community Affairs) This organization is the formal communication link with the owners/taxpayers • of the HRMD. HRCA is responsible for keeping the community informed and is supported & funded by the HRMD. Funding is provided from the HRMD General Fund. HRCA is responsible for presenting an annual budget to the HRMD directors for approval. The HRCA responsibilities are to produce:

- Periodical print media - Heather Ridge Metro Matters. This magazine is designed to keep all taxpayer/owners/annual golfers and others appraised of current activities involving capital improvements, operations, community social gatherings and general interest items.

- Internet Website maintenance - This Heather Ridge medium was initially launched in July, 2005 to keep the community informed of events leading to the formation of the HRMD in November, 2006 and the purchase of the open space in December, 2009. The website continues to be updated by all Heather Ridge Colorado organizations. It also provides a chronological history of significant events.

- Heather Ridge informational gatherings/meetings. Periodically the directors of the HRMD determine the need for community meeting(s) penned as Heather Ridge Big Tent meetings. These meetings are called to inform residents of issues of interest to the entire community. Normally three identical meetings are held at varying times within a 10 day period with the intent of making the gathering a convenient time for all residents.

- HRCA has 7 volunteer directors.

- The regular meeting of HRCA is the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 at the Heather Ridge clubhouse, providing there is business to conduct. These meetings are open to the public.